I'm eating a microwaved hot-pocket as I write this and if that isn't a sign of insanity, well, I don't know what is.

I started off the year in Houston, Texas. I was pregnant and sick and pretty much existed in a pair of red velour sweat pants. I vowed to never own a pair, much less leave the house in them, but like I said - year of insanity.
In February I got married! I joke that we eloped %80. We decided about a week in advance and spent the next few days kinda-sorta planning a wedding. My parents flew in from Los Angeles, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents all gathered together with us in a little chapel in Gonzales, Tx. You don't know where Gonzales is, sometimes I don't even think Texas knows where Gonzales is.
Our ceremony was lovely. I rocked a $30 dress from the hallowed halls of Forever21, the bouquet was self assembled, and we even landed a last minute photographer free of charge.

Fast forward a few nauseous, bloated months and BAM! June is upon us and Charlotte arrives on the scene in all her adorable black curly hair glory. Being a newly wed wife is nuts, but adding 'new mother' to my title really managed to spice things up.
No sleep, some sleep, more sleep, less sleep, learning things about boobs and baby butts I never thought possible, and just as I feel I'm starting to get the swing of things another brick wall pops up at a thousand miles per hour.
Abnormal pap test? What?
I spent about two weeks floundering. Andrew was awesome the whole time, the ever positive and encouraging hand for me to hold. In the end a biopsy lead us to some peace, but we're still keeping an eye on things for the time being.
In September we dedicated our sweet girl in front of our friends and family at The Garden church in down town Long Beach where we've found an amazing community and made our first handful of 'parent friends' among other awesome friends of the non-parent variety. We fell in love with our community group, even though Charlotte wears us out beyond attendance more often than not. And we began to find a rhythm in all this insanity that we will fondly remember as 2014.
Andrew just walked in to remind me of forgotten Christmas gifts, so I'm off to being a 2015 with my sweet husband and baby girl. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
p.s. I have my yearly anti-resolution blog coming as well...
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